The "French Connection" showpiece was Louis Vierne's splendid Messe Solennelle. This was supported by four
Duruflé motets on Gregorian themes, (Ubi caritas; Tota pulchra es; Tu es Petrus; Tantum ergo). Consort had performed individual motets from this series at previous concerts but this was the first time all four had been performed together. There was also a rare performance of the 'Trois chansons de Charles d'Orleans' by Claude Debussy, and the cheerful Psalm 150 by Cesar Franck along with three rather gentler motets by Vierne and Pierre Villette, (Ave Maria, Tantum ergo, Hymn à la Vierge). Daniel Justin played Cortege et Litanie by Maurice Dupré, which has the sound of church bells building to a great climax, alongside Hamburger Totentanz by Guy Bovet, a contemporary composer.